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Seal Pipe Lining Blog

5 Common Sewer Issues: A Guide for Sewer Repair

Sewer systems are designed to last as long as possible without causing issues. It might seem like a bad thing that you’ve got many months or years without even thinking about your sewer or septic system, but that’s by design! The best sewers are the ones that let you live your life comfortably without wondering whether the next time you flush your toilet, it will back up into your house and contaminate things.

Unfortunately, there are a few things that can lead to a faulty sewer system and some problems that require professional support. The experts at Seal Pipe Lining understand this, which is why we’ve decided to write a blog today about 5 very common, but very serious issues with sewer drains in Kaukauna.

For more information and to learn how to stop these issues, keep reading!

Protect Your Sewer With a Professional’s Help

Professional plumbers are the perfect person to have on call when you suspect a problem with your sewer system. Now that’s been said, let’s get to the good stuff–here are five distinct common sewer problems that require a call to your local pro.

  1. Tree root infiltration. Tree roots run deep and long, and they can run directly into your sewer pipes. After years of growth and pressure, those roots can eventually break into your sewer pipes, consume some of the nutrients from the sewer waste, and cause damage to your sewer system as contaminants leak out. This is an issue that requires expert care and some serious diagnosis before a solution can be presented.
  2. Corrosion. After years of your sewer running up against contaminants that are acidic or basic, the pipes themselves can eventually corrode. This is considered normal wear and tear, but it’s difficult to tell when corrosion has taken its toll due to how deep and hard to see your sewer pipes are. But leaks can be a sign that your pipes are starting to weaken and corrode.
  3. A bad clog. A serious enough clog in your sewer line will cause backflow or clogs in the rest of your plumbing appliances that are close to the ground. If you’re noticing several toilets or drains having trouble draining, then you might have a sewer clog that needs addressing.
  4. Foul odors and gurgles. Sewer gases are not only bad to smell but they can be unhygienic for a variety of reasons. If you’re detecting foul odors coming from maybe different drains with access to the sewer system, or there’s gurgling coming from your drains, this could be a sign that your sewer system is allowing sewer gases to bubble up and create discomfort for you and your family. This might be due to a clog or some kind of plumbing issue, but it can be fixed by a licensed plumber.
  5. Cracks and breaks in the pipe. Cracks and breaks can cause severe issues for your home. If you’re detecting greener grass or foul odors around your property, it could be due to a cracked sewer pipe that’s leaking waste where it shouldn’t.

Seal Pipe Lining is the team to help alleviate your sewer issues. Schedule an appointment today.

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