Seal Pipe Lining Blog: Posts Tagged ‘water testing’

What’s in Your Water? A Guide to Water Testing

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Have you ever poured a nice glass of water to drink on a hot day, only to be sickened by some kind of taste or odor that’s unpleasant? This isn’t just a natural part of the water your home is getting. It’s actually due to some contaminant in the water itself. Particles like bacteria or dirt can cause water to lose its deliciously refreshing taste and make it almost sickening to drink.

But going from this reaction to investing in a water purifier or filtration system can be tricky. How do you know which system to invest in? How do you know what specific actions to take for your water? This is where water testing in Appleton comes in.

When we test your water, we’ll tell you exactly what’s in it and contributing to the foul odors, tastes, or consistency. Then, we can recommend the best products to treat your water and make it more usable.

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